
Attleboro Update 0422

There has been an increase in the theft of catalytic converters in the area. Attleboro Police Department Deputy Chief of Police Tim Cook speaks on the issue.

VFW Post 115 and American Legion Post 20 host a drive-thru food drive to support area food pantries. The drive was organized by local city and state dignitaries and sponsored by the National Junior Honor Society Brennan Middle School Chapter, and the Attleboro Police Association.

The Friends of the Attleboro Public Library are collecting donations of scarves and jewelry, to be later sold in a fundraiser for the Library.

Attleboro High School Principal Bill Runey has been selected to take over as Superintendent of Schools of the Dighton Rehoboth Public School District.

The COVID-19 school mask mandate, implemented by the state, was lifted on February 28th. DoubleACS speaks with Wamsutta Middle School Principal Kevin Atkinson to see how the change has affected students and staff.